Schimmelpelz-pilz's Profile
Schimmelpelz-pilz's Meme's
Did you know that the demon Behemoth looks like an elephant?
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
It\'s hard to believe that some of his followers consider him to be the new Messiah! By the way, false messiah impostors among us are considered to be omens of the apocalypse, according to the Bible...
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
He looks inhuman, his hair is fake and wants to bring evil to humanity!
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
Describing his crimes in online-phrases, because most \"TikTok-idiots\", etc still don\'t get it. <.<
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
I\'m a German by myself, so no need to feel oversensitive with that joke here (even if Germans never really treated me like one). XD
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
Wish those three freaks would finally admit their urges and live them out in a none-violent way!
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
It was pretty easy to replace Batman\'s head with Darth Vader\'s head, because they are both so dark! XD
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
In a sub-reddit called \"bald\" you will find this kind of advice over and over again. So I\'ve made a meme about that in a more fun way.
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
Ever wondered what\'s making their van so mysterious? ;)
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz
A pun about the alternative name of the pompadour (Elvis Presley) hairstyle and the Disney show DuckTales. X)
Posted by Schimmelpelz-pilz